Due to technical restrictions the englsich version of our FAQ can't be displayed in alphabetical order. We categorized the topics for a better orientation.


Graduation: How do I submit my BA

First of all kindly check your record of exams (Prüfungspass) and transcript of records (Sammelzeugnis):

  • Are all courses you want to use for your diploma displayed correctly on the record of exams?
  • Are there too many courses displayed in any module? (Any waste courses need to be marked as "Interessensmodul".)
  • Are all courses you do not want to use for your diploma listed as "Interessensmodul" on the transcript of records?
  • Is your qualification in Greek displayed on your transcript of records? (If not, kindly contact the SSU Classical Philology.)

Afterwards kindly contact the SSU Classical Archaeology and ask for your record of exams to be approved.
Should any courses be listed wrongly, kindly provide the following information:

  • Date of the exam
  • Name/designation of the course
  • Where do you want the course to be listed (such as: "M1 Course of desrcibing and comparing" or "Interessensmodul")
    ! The employees at the SSU are not allowed to decide on the the content-related allocation. You need to decide where you want your courses to be listed.

Your record of exams will be approved of within four weeks and sent directly to the SSC. You will be contacted via email after this has happened.
If there is a deadline ahead you need to meet (such as: admission for your Master's studies), please tell us this in your request.
Please understand, that the approval of your record of exams cannot be made the day you submit and that we can't submit to the SSC at a date of your choice.

Kindly take a look at the SSC's Checklist and update your personal data



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